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metaphysical spiritualist high school
The Fraternidade Aymoriana, through its mentors, provide the searcher with answers and directions for his journeyevolutionary, bringing communion of spirit, body and mind.
During the more than 16 years of metaphysical spiritualist carein person or at a distance, the Templo Fraternidade Aymoriana, assists people on its evolutionary path.
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Fraternidade Aymoriana

Assist in individual human evolution, respecting their free will, their family and cultural formation, within fraternity, charity and potentialevolutionary of each being, using resources within the pathspiritualist and metaphysics.
Awakening in the individual his global development within the principlesAymorians of light, peace and self-knowledge, through therapies, courses, social projects and assistance, aiming at the formation of a better Human Being.
Neurolinguistic metaphysical knowledge
for human evolution
Spiritual Metaphysical Therapies
for the restoration of being
Through metaphysical and ancestral techniques, actions are proposed to invigoration of the human mental, physical and spiritual state.