Make your donation
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Make your donation
The donations made help to maintain the assistance work providedby the Temple.
Our metaphysical works, such as spiritualist surgeries, apometries, fraternal care among others are carried out from donations from anonymous persons or entities.
With your donation, we were able to offer spiritual care to men, women and children. Keep our public library open to the community students, guidance, assistance and accompanimentfamily through individual service. We can also maintain the operation of the Temple for the propagation of faith in God,Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through the Cosmic Forces of Nature, the Sacred Orishas, Guides and Spiritual Mentors.
How to make
a donation?
For donations in Brazil, you can make via PIX for the data below:
Chave (cnpj): 36114921000122
Banco: Sicoob
Nome: Templo Fraternidade Aymoriana
Donations outside Brazil can be made through PayPal